I know it’s been a while but I’ve been busy so don’t get on my back about it ok! Anyway I’ve got bundles of news for you. You’re gonna love it and instantly forgive me for my absence.

If you’re not into jazz take yourself straight down to the bottom of the page where you can read about three chord rock and music with bigger kahunas.

New Jazz records label called…….

…errr New Jazz Records….For somebody who’s supposed to be a creative I’ve not done very well on that one. That’s right folks, I’ve started a jazz record label. All you could possibly need to know is over at the website below. The first release is on Monday so get you and your granny signed up to the mailing list/twitter/facebook page quick smart so I can badger you every once in a blue moon.




Darlington Jazz Club

I’m off up the road as far north as north goes…….well…..Darlington. On December 14th 2014 I’m directing the fantastic Durham Alumni Big Band. Led by Shaun Elland the band are playing a selection of my charts (including the recently commissioned Yorkshire Suite) in The Forum Music Centre at 18:00. I hope to see some of you there.

Eddie Harvey Award

I’m delighted that my composition “Sleep” has been selected as one of the three finalists for the Eddie Harvey Award for Jazz Arrangement. The awards night takes place on 6th November at the Polish Jazz Cafe in Hammersmith where the winner will be announced. NYJO will be playing all the finalists pieces plus some of Eddies arrangements. Further info here.

Sadly I can’t make it down as I’m once again donning my blue jacket and taking up arms with the rest of the tired, weary too-old-for-this-sh*t gang, Hope and Social. Come join us out on tour in November if you hate jazz.


Until next time jazz lovers. Peace and love,


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